Finance of Politics

Should Politicians Be Trusted with Our Finances?

Politicians are never shy of money. They are equally never shy of debates about the best use of taxpayers’ money. In a time when trust in politicians is falling and populist parties gaining ground, one could ask if we can trust our politicians when it comes to managing public finances? Should they be trusted with our money or should they keep their hands off?

What Do Politicians Know about Managing Money?

The first thing to understand is that, even though politicians set the tax rates, they don’t take the decisions on how money should be spent. This happens at the level of the ministries and departments and, in part, at the level of municipalities.

Politicians don’t make individual spending decisions. So, they don’t know what a specific investment should cost or how it should be financed, let alone where it should be made. It is also worth noting that a lot of spending is based on laws and policies that were put in place before the current government took office.

Why should We not Trust them?

Governments have always had a bad reputation when it comes to fiscal prudence and fiscal transparency. As a matter of fact, there are very good reasons for this distrust. Political leaders don’t have the financial skills to manage the state’s fiscal affairs and they don’t possess the fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayers. Unlike the professionals, they’ve got years of experience processing claims and handling client’s finances.

Instead, they have a fiduciary responsibility to their political parties. Political parties are not acting in the taxpayers’ interest but in their own self-interest. This is why we can’t trust them with our money. In fact, we have seen that many of them have misused taxpayer money for their own ends.

The Case for Trusting Politicians with our Money

The crux of this debate is whether the government should spend more or whether it should spend less.

But the question is, how do we decide how much money the government should spend?

There are many ways of measuring this. For example, the government can increase spending in areas where it can create the most value for society. Or, it can decide not to spend on areas where there is no value-added.

There are many ways of measuring the value that the government brings. For example, we can look at the number of people who are employed by the state. Or, we can look at the amount of taxes that they collect. These indicators help us to decide how much the government should spend. We don’t have to trust the government to know how much money it should spend. We can rely on facts and data to make such decisions.


What You Need to Know about the Process of Handling Budgets for a Political Project?

Budget control is one of the most important responsibilities for any type of organization. In the political sphere, budgets are especially critical given that so many projects are paid for through donations and grants.

To ensure that money is being spent responsibly, organizations have to have a system in place to monitor costs and expenditures. With so much at stake, mishandling budgets can be disastrous for an organization. That’s why it’s important to understand how budgets work in a political project before diving in head first.

Understanding the Political Project Budget Process

Budgets for political projects are not one-size-fits-all. Rather, organizations need to create a budget that aligns with their specific project needs. In other words, it’s not enough to create a general budget that covers every expense.

Rather, you’ll want to break down and categorize all planned expenses by type. The best way to create a budget is to make a list of all planned expenses. Note that this list should include all project-related costs, including salaries, travel, office supplies, event space, etc.

Communicating with Stakeholders

A budget can help an organization understand the financial resources required for a project. It can also be an effective tool for communicating with stakeholders.

Whether you’re working with donors, foundations, or sponsors, a budget can help you make a strong case for funding. Budgets also help stakeholders understand how their money will be used. For example, if you’re working with individual donors, you can show them exactly where their money is going.

Once the budget has been approved and the project has begun, you’ll need to keep stakeholders updated on progress and any deviations from the original budget. This way, everyone is on the same page and can keep track of how the project is progressing.

Identifying Costs and Resources

Once you’ve created a budget, you’ll need to regularly review it to make sure that you’re staying within the financial limits. A budget will outline the expected cost of every single item on the project’s to-do list. You can do this by using a budgeting app like Quicken if you want to try different apps.


How Government Officials Decide What Projects to Finance?

Governments invest in infrastructure projects to create long-lasting benefits for citizens and for small communities. This is why if ever is to request for funding, their chances of getting an approval is high.

This is done by financing the construction of new roads, bridges, airports and other facilities. Governments assess whether a project is a good investment based on three principles:

  • Financially sound
  • Positive impact on society
  • Meet its medium-term objectives

Be Financially Sound

The first principle that governs politicians’ decisions on what infrastructure projects to finance is that the project should be financially sound.

This means that the project should generate enough revenue to cover the costs of building and operating it. Governments typically finance infrastructure projects by issuing long-term bonds. Investors are interested in buying government bonds because the interest rates exceed what they would earn if they invested in other assets.

Governments use the revenues from infrastructure projects to service the debt they issue to finance construction.

Have a Positive Societal Impact

This is measured based on the number of people who stand to benefit from the project. The larger the number of people who benefit from a project, the better the project score.

A positive societal impact can be achieved by improving people’s quality of life, protecting the environment, and strengthening the economy.

For example, building a new bridge over a river is likely to improve the quality of life for people who live nearby by shortening their drive to work and school. Building a new airport is likely to protect the environment by reducing the number of airplanes that fly over heavily populated areas. Building a new power plant is likely to strengthen the economy by providing an additional source of energy.

Meeting Medium-Term Objectives

These objectives include strengthening the economy, improving people’s quality of life, protecting the environment, and meeting government priorities. For example, building a new highway connecting two major cities helps strengthen the economy by reducing the cost of transporting goods between those cities.

Building a new sewage treatment facility helps improve people’s quality of life by reducing the risk of water contamination.

Building a new airport runway helps protect the environment by reducing the number of airplanes that fly over heavily populated areas.

So long as these principles are met when requesting government funding, there is a high chance to get approval for your desired project. The process may take a little while but once approved, it’ll all be worth it.

Finance of Politics

How the Finance of Politics can Affect Your Sales?

Politics, at its core, is about the allocation of resources and how we decide to use them. The way that money flows through political processes has a significant effect on how those resources are allocated. 

The finance of politics and political donors can have an impact on how politicians act, which in turn can affect your sales. Whether you’re selling to politicians directly or your product has some kind of political component, it’s important to understand the implications of the finance of politics on sales. Learn more about the role money plays in politics so you can leverage this information in your own sales efforts.

What is the Finance of Politics?

The finance of politics is the study of how money is spent within political systems and processes. While it’s not a discrete field, it’s important to understand the role of money in politics in order to make smart sales decisions. This knowledge can help you make more informed choices about where you direct your sales efforts.

The finance of politics looks at the ways that people and organizations use their resources in order to shape political activities.

These resources are financial in nature and can include cash, goods and services, or other types of assistance.

How does the Finance of Politics Work?

The finance of politics has two parts: the flow of money into politics and the flow of money through the political system. 

  • The first part is about how donors fund political campaigns, parties and organizations. These entities use money to fund activities, research and communication.
  • The second part is the way that money is spent in the political system. Politicians and political organizations spend this money on everything from advertising to travel.

The financing of politics is primarily done through donations. Political organizations raise money from donors in all sorts of ways. They might charge a membership fee, collect small one-time donations or solicit large contributions from wealthy funders.

How can the Finance of Politics Affect Your Sales?

The political connections that donors have, and the way that they choose to spend their money, can have a significant impact on your sales efforts. If you’re trying to make sales to political entities or donors who are connected to them, you may have easier access to decision-makers than you would otherwise. This can translate into more sales opportunities. This means that if you’re selling cars then there’s more auto leads for dealers.

Finance of Politics

Why Politicians Often Hire Finance Majors to Do Their Accounting?

Politicians come from many different backgrounds, and so do the people who work for them. Some are engineers or lawyers; others are business managers or teachers. Regardless of their background, politicians need support staff to help them manage their campaigns and day-to-day operations once they’re elected.

However, you might wonder why a politician would hire someone with a finance degree to do their accounting. It doesn’t seem like an especially creative job, but there must be more to it than that…right? Read on to learn more about why politicians often hire finance majors to do their accounting.

Familiarity with Money and Banking Laws

Politicians may not be accountants, but they’re still required to know how to keep track of their funds.

When a politician hires an accountant, they’re bringing on someone who can help them keep track of their revenue and expenses.

Politicians have to deal with many complex financial decisions. This means that they need accountants who are thoroughly familiar with money and banking laws. Politicians often have to invest the money that they receive from donors, and they also have to figure out how to spend the money that the government sends them in the form of taxes.

Politicians also have to manage their campaign finances. This includes things such as deciding how much to spend on various items, including advertising.

Financial Literacy and Financial Research

Finance majors also often have a strong financial literacy. This means that they’re able to understand the mechanics behind different financial systems and policies. This is important because politicians often have to make financial decisions that have an impact on other countries.

For example, a politician might decide to increase the prices on wood. This would affect millions of people and businesses, like businesses who do wholesale kitchen cabinets. Because of this, accountants who have a high level of financial literacy can help ensure that a politician’s decision is well-informed and well-thought-out.

Working with Data is a Priority

Politicians have to rely on data as they make decisions. Accountants have to work with this data and report back to the politician. Accountants have to be able to work with massive quantities of data to produce reports that are easy to read and understand.

Politicians often have to make decisions based on complex data. This means that the accountants need to determine which numbers are the most relevant and how to report them in a way that makes sense to the politician.

Finance of Politics

The Essential Guide to Understanding How Finance is Managed in Political Campaigns

As you may have noticed, the world of politics has been a little unhinged lately. Things that would have previously been thought of as inconceivable now appear to be almost commonplace.

The 2016 presidential campaign was a watershed moment in American history, and it also introduced us to some new words as well as concepts we didn’t know existed.

How Finance in Political Campaigns are Managed?

We are still dealing with the fallout from the scandalous revelations about the inner workings of political campaigns and their finances. If you are involved in political fundraising or management, even at an amateur level, you will likely find something useful in this article.

Whether you are working on a small campaign or planning for a future career in politics, it is important to understand how finance operates within these fields.

What is Finance in a Political Campaign?

Finance is the management of the money that is available for use in a political campaign. A political campaign’s financial ability determines how successful it will be.

If the finances are inadequate, the campaign will be unable to compete, and it may not even be able to begin. If they are well managed, they may be able to do a great deal.

If someone is involved in financing a campaign, they are probably taking care of the money that is raised and spent. They may be responsible for reporting the amounts to the government. They will also have to make sure that the campaign’s money is kept safe after they just funded mortgage for the venue of their campaign.

Limitations of a Political Campaign’s Financial Abilities

The financial limitations of a campaign are determined by a variety of factors. These may include the amount of money that the candidate has raised, the number of donors and the amount that they have given, and the amount that the other candidates in the election have raised. There are two numbers that are of particular importance when evaluating the financial abilities of a political campaign.

The first is called the amount of money on hand. This is the total amount of money that the campaign has raised, regardless of whether it has been spent.

The second is the cash on hand. This is the amount that the campaign has in its bank account. In a political campaign, there are a number of factors that will determine the amount of money that the campaign has at its disposal.


How the National Budget is Prepared and Allocated?

The process for determining the national budget all begins with the President. This is when the Chief Executive submitted the detailed budgetary request for the upcoming fiscal year, which often starts on the 1st of October. The request is then developed via interactive process that happens between the President’s Office of Management and Budget and the federal agencies which then starts before spring.

3 Steps in Determining National Budget

There are three critical roles that this plays and these are discussed in the following:

Number 1. This is telling the Congress what is recommended by the President for the overall federal fiscal policy including:

  1. How much must be spent on public purposes by the federal government
  2. How much must it take in as tax revenues and;
  3. How much surplus or deficit the federal government must run which is practically the difference between A and B

In most of the time, the federal spending is exceeding the tax revenues and to finance the deficit, it’s done through borrowing.

Number 2. The budget that came from the president is laid out along with his/her relative priorities for the federal programs, from how much he believed must be allocated on agriculture, education, defense, health and so forth.

The budget in this case will be so specific, recommending the funding levels for each budget accounts. In most cases, the budget is sketching out the fiscal policy as well as budget priorities not just for the upcoming year but also, for the next 9 years.

The budget is also backed by supporting volumes including the historical charts from the past budget reports.

Number 3. The last role for the President’s budget is to signal Congress the recommendations of the president for both tax policy and spending changes. The budget consists of various programs in which some are requiring new funding every year to maintain while others that don’t need annual action by Congress.

And while the President has to recommend the levels of funding for yearly funded programs, he/she does not have to propose legislative changes for the ongoing parts of the budget that’s been funded already by the prior laws.

The Congress Takes Over

Then after, Congress will be having hearings. This is to question the Administration officials regarding their request. Then after, it is going to develop their personal budget plan which is referred to as budget resolution. This work is executed by the Senate Budget Committees and the House that was established by Congressional Budget Act of 1974.

If you’re in the finance market, then it is important that you keep track of the proposed budget for the upcoming years as this will help you in finding FOREX broker reviews that can guide which industry to invest your money.


Increasing Your Odds of Getting a Business Loan Approval

Getting approval of loan application will largely depend on how you have presented your business, yourself and also, your financial requirements to the lender. Among the effective methods of boosting your odds to get approval is by preparing a business plan or a written loan proposal.

Lenders have the tendency to read the loan proposal as proof that you have a strong business management, experience and at the same time, in-depth knowledge of the market. They’ll be looking for other financial information that shows your capability of repaying the loan. After this, acquiring hurtiglån uten kredittsjekk will be easy in the future.

What about Your Credit History?

In an effort to determine your ability to repay the loan, lenders oftentimes request for a copy of your business and personal credit reports. Before you get started with the process of preparing your loan request, you’ll have to ensure that you have accurate credit history and that any errors or mistakes are corrected in the report.

To acquire copies of your credit report or even do corrections, it is best to reach out with the credit reporting agencies. On the other hand, if you need assistance in repairing your credit history, it is recommended to reach out to your local credit counseling service.

Preparing Loan Proposal

Just before you write your loan proposal, remember the 4 things you have to clarify which would be the following:

  1. The amount of money to be borrowed?
  2. How the money will be used?
  3. Your plans of repaying it? and;
  4. What you’ll do if in case you can’t repay the loan?

Basically, there are several formats that you may use in preparing your loan proposal. You can contact your lender to know the format they prefer.

In general, loan proposal has to include aspects like any of the points discussed below:

Executive Summary

Start your proposal using direct and simple cover letter or executive summary. See to it that you have briefly and concisely described your business background, how you plan to use the loan if granted, the nature of your business and you as a person.

Business Profile

You have to narrate your business history and then, summarize its current activity as well as results. Explain what your markets are, your industry and your consumers.

Loan Request

It is imperative that you’ve stated the amount of money needed and to how you have reached this amount. Include quotations for supplies or equipment for building costs and the likes. Simply speaking, provide an answer to why you need the money.


Safe Practices when Applying for Online Loans

With the presence of the internet, everything just seems easier. You may see yourself being tech-savvy individual and completely comfortable doing things over the web. However, stakes are higher when applying for online loan. Sensitive data from your end will be required by somebody you don’t know. This makes sense in the process as you are taking a significant amount of cash. But the process can be done simpler by taking loans from

The safest and most secure way to which you can take loan online is by doing business with a reputable and known lender. Of course, do this while ensuring that you are watching out for red flags.

Let us face it, it’s a real and serious risk to lose money. For fake lenders, it’s effortless for them to setup shops, make false promises and then, charge a hefty price just to have your loan approved. Then at the end of the day, you do not get what you have paid for. Another probable risk of applying for online loan is paying too much. Here, even if you get approval from the loan, there is a chance that you may find yourself paying more because of interests and fees. This is normal when you are transacting from lesser known lenders. The irony, you can get the same loan for a lesser price when talking to reputable lenders.

Don’t Become the Next Victim

When applying for loans online, a possible problem that you may deal with is identity theft. When applying for loans online, you are freely and willingly giving your personal information to someone you do not know. If this information falls to the wrong hands, then you may fall victim from identity thieves. If not, you might have given it to websites that have no appropriate security to protect your personal information.

Items that are frequently required when applying for loans which is also useful to steal someone’s identity includes but not limited to:

  • Social Security Number or SSN
  • Date of birth
  • Current and past addresses
  • Complete name and contact details

Selecting Your Lender

Talking to a reputable and legitimate lender prevents problem from arising. Having said so, make sure that you’ve  positive and negative. Bear in mind as well that not all you find online is true. There is a chance that the reviews you’re reading came from fraudsters or employees of the lending company themselves.

Therefore, it is best if you’ll borrow from lenders offline or online that you have heard from a trusted source.


When is the High-Time to Get Personal Loan?

Money is a big factor when making a decision. On the other hand, there are unforeseen events like hospitalizations, calamities and the likes that require immediate fund which probably most of us do not have. These are urgent issues that can’t be delayed. In this regard, getting a personal loan from Zebra loans would allow you to flex and work your way out.

Besides, there are many good reasons why it is smart to apply for personal loan and how it can positively impact your life and your family’s.

A Brighter Future

Education isn’t just important to prepare us for what life has to bring. It is also a long-term investment.

This is regardless if it is about pursuing higher studies for personal career development or to fund college education of your children and secure their future.

While education is a basic right for everyone, unfortunately, not everyone can afford it. If you wish your child to get high-quality education at premium schools, then better start saving now. A good way to jumpstart your savings is by applying for loans and paying it off gradually. Of course, try to find those that have low interests.

Hospitalizations and Emergency Situations? Not a Problem

Your health insurance and emergency fund must not and never be compromised. These unforeseen healthcare expenses such as medications and hospitalizations can easily drain your wallets and bank account. But worst come to worst, there are personal loans that you can lean on which can just save you from this trying time.

If for instance that you are expecting a child and you believe that the cost of maternity and labor is something that would go beyond your prepared budget, it is best that you apply for a loan immediately.  These are expenses that couldn’t be delayed. A loan can just save you.

Another instance of unexpected situation is the sudden unemployment or calamity that can empty your savings. But this wouldn’t happen if you have emergency funds. On the other hand, it will take a while to build it since it would need to be an equivalent to 6 to 12 months of your living expenses. Again, to help you build your savings and be ready for anything, it is sensible to apply for personal loan with low interests.

Unpredictable Future

You may not like the idea of getting a personal loan but when the time comes you need such, you’ll be pleased that there’s such option available.


Major Components that Completes Government Budget

There are various policies that the government creates and implement. All in all, the primary goal is to secure social as well as economic growth. To be able to implement these policies, it needs to spend loads of money to fund administration, defense, development, welfare projects and several relief operations and whatnot.

A Big Responsibility has to be Fulfilled

Therefore, it is critical to find out all the possible sources to get the necessary funding including watching crypto signals and other investment schemes so by that, sufficient revenue could be generated.

This is the time when thorough and proper budgeting comes into play. The term has originated from a French word “Budgette”. This basically means a wallet or leather bag. It’s a statement of government’s financial plan. This is showing the expenditure and income of government throughout a given year which typically runs from the 1st of April to the last day of March.

As a matter of fact, budget is the single most important document that a government has.

A part of their budget strongly works the same way with annual report of a private company.

This is showing the overall picture of financial performance of the government. Another integral part of budgeting is to demonstrate the financial plans of the government until the next budget kicks in.

Why the Citizens should be Informed about it?

Therefore, each and every single citizen of the nation regardless of the age and stature is eager to learn where does the budget will be allocated. With this, they’re going to have an idea on where the country’s money will go and how it was spent like for example:

  • The overall financial performance of the government from last year
  • Knowing about financial programs and policies of government for the upcoming year and;
  • Figuring out how their way of life would be affected by the new financial policies for next year

There are various methods in which budget receive financial support. Among which is through revenue budget. In this financial statement, it contains financial statement that includes government’s revenue receipts or the collected revenue by means of taxes as well as other receipts. Then there’s capital budget or the projected capital account for the following financial year.


The Government’s Take on Crypto Trading and Currency

A known misconception with regards to blockchain realm is that, it is just purely about technology – nothing more, nothing less. The systems begin and finish with human interactions. In cryptocurrency environment, this phrase is totally understandable but the true challenge is making others mindful about this technology and existence. At the same time, the fact that it is not solely based on cryptography as well as algorithms.

Though there are those who use the best crypto trading bots online to increase digital currency, still part of the process is to educate others about it.

Back in the early days of cryptocurrency, it is noticeable that one critical concern to be addressed is bringing it in front of government regulators.

Unless this does not get government’s attention, blockchain technology will be kept in the dark.

We had to become part of this discussion in order to educate such individuals. After all, they are the ones who have the power in stifling innovation and regulating crypto out of existence.

Data Management, Privacy and Security

There’s no entity that’s more concentrated on how data and security is handled than the government and its branches. The main objective of the government is to assist its people which are the very reason why there are laws. These laws are designed and thought thoroughly to enforce the proper handling, storage and collection of data. But of course, no process and system is perfect.

Government’s Sentiment and Motivation

Before, blockchain technology and cryptocurrency was decentralized. Meaning, there’s no specific regulating body that is handling it. Those were truly the tough times as companies ought to navigate through a minefield where government entities are trying to keep tabs with the regulations and rules that were no near applicable to the industry.

These days, there are of course some difficulties associated in crypto environment. However, since there are regulations being formed, these challenges are more manageable to handle and overtake. So to assure that the regulators can get it right, some of the pioneers are fighting hard to have a seat at the table along with traditional currency.


New Tariffs Imposed By the US President

Donald Trump, the president of the United States says that his protectionist trade policies boosted economic growth. However, his opposition and critics say otherwise – stating that there’s handful evidence that is supporting this claim.

US President Donald Trump has threatened over the weekend in re-escalating the trade war with China. This is by means of increasing the tariffs on almost all imported products coming from the said country. He has implied as well that this move isn’t going to hurt the US economy and had said that the tariffs that were imposed are partially responsible for greater economic results.

Going Strong?

According to advisers of the US president, it has expanded the argument saying that there has been a 3.2% growth in economy. An increase in the first quarter of this year – this includes a positive contribution from the exports, which serve as proof that the hard-line trade policies of the president are truly helping the US economy to grow. Well this has been felt by many citizens in the state by being able to qualify for Laina and buy the house of their dreams.

Well technically speaking, the secretary is correct:

The net exports have added to growth in first three months as per the preliminary number the Commerce Department had released.

On the other hand, this doesn’t automatically indicate that the tariffs are indeed bolstering the economy. The fact that Donald Trump as well as his team believe otherwise can be a smart and tactical negotiation with China – this can give credence to the notion that they are ready to escalate trade war further in the event that their demands have not been met.

However, claiming to have a strong economy can also undermine Trump’s position and set up the economy and even the financial markets for unpleasant surprise in case that his bluff is called.

The Explanation

To calculate the size of US economy, the GDP is deceivingly simple. It’s combining multiple metrics in economy including:

  • Business Investment
  • Consumer Spending and;
  • Government Spending

At the same time, these factors difference between the value of what’s being imported and exported by the United States.

And for over 4 decades, the difference has mostly negative. This is because America has bought more foreign services and goods than what it sold. Simply speaking, their imports have exceeded exports. Meaning to say, America’s GDP was lower due to the trade.


Ecommerce is Driving World’s Economy

With the unstoppable development and growth of electronic commerce or as we simply known as eCommerce, many companies and even regular folks have started to join the bandwagon. Now, they are beginning to reap all the benefits that this industry has to offer. However, it will require proper training and knowledge to get the results you were expecting. This is exactly what you will get when you check out Hustle Life.

The Life and Blood of an Economy

The most basic and common transactions in any country’s economy is none other than the buy and sell of goods. Believe it or not, it keeps on undergoing changes which serves a massive impact on various companies and the way they are doing business.

Quite simply, eCommerce has changed the timing, practice and technology of B2B and B2C commerce.

In reality, it has impacted how products are priced, its availability, transport patterns as well as consumer behaviors, especially in well-developed economies.

Steady growth in B2B eCommerce has also altered the profit and cost scene for companies in a global scale. At a microscopic level, the growth of various B2B eCommerce brought significant reduction in transaction cost while improving supply chain management and reducing costs both for domestic and global sourcing. On a macro level on the other hand, the continuous growth of B2B eCommerce puts a downward pressure on the economy’s inflation while being able to increase profit margins, business competitiveness and productivity.

2x Growth for Business to Consumers

Using eCommerce for retail, it is undoubtedly become the quickest growing trade sector. Additionally, it has outpaced virtually every other manufacturing and trade sector since 1999. This is when the US Census Bureau began to collect and publish data on eCommerce.

Few years later, that figure grows to more or less 2% and by 2008, it had grown to 3.6%. By the end of 4th quarter of 2010, it takes another step in the ladder and reached 4.4% of the total retail sales in the US. In dollars, retail revenue from eCommerce stands at around 165 billion dollars.

eCommerce is Setting its own Demand Patterns

As world’s technology is constantly innovated, it made eCommerce and globalization more intertwined. The sellers and buyers increase their connectivity and speed to which they do sales transactions. And this plays a great influence especially in recent turmoil in supply chain networks and financial markets. It’s because of the simple reason that as the sales transaction is sped up, it delivers positive effect in correcting the market and economy as a whole.


Reason for Hiring a Tax Preparation Service

The time when you must file tax returns is undoubtedly the most difficult and challenging time of your life. The chaos and stress is doubled especially if you are an organization or business. Fortunately, there is a solution to steer of complex filing by hiring Tucson tax preparation services. Such service providers have already handled countless of tax applications for the past several years. Thus, they are in a position of ensuring a smooth and hassle-free service.

No Liked the Process

Let’s face the fact that it is a burden for businesses, organizations or companies to collate, compile and assess their financial transactions in filing the necessary returns for their business and keep its existence.

Leaders, heads and CEOs of these companies are very much aware of the potential consequences when filing inaccurate returns for themselves, their company and their employee.

Basically, it’s a huge financial setback waiting to happen.

This is how crucial and integral proper and accurate tax preparation is. After all, this is the way how government guarantees that there’s credibility and clarity on your finances.

And allow me to share couple of different scenarios if you fail to file your income tax for a given year.

Number 1. In cases where the discrepancy, omission or error was made without intentions to evade taxes, the responsible party might face Income Tax Act which is:

  • Face a penalty of roughly 200 percent of amount of tax undercharged
  • Pay fine of up to 5,000 dollars and/or;
  • Be imprisoned for 36 months or 3 years

Number 2. In cases where discrepancy, omission or error was made with an intention to evade taxes, then the following consequences are applied:

  • Face a penalty of roughly 400 percent of amount of tax undercharged
  • Pay fine of up to 50,000 dollars and/or;
  • Be imprisoned for 60 months or 5 years

How to Prevent Unnecessary Consequences?

Please follow handful of tips below to make sure that you can accurately file your tax returns and avoid these consequences.

Keep a copy or the original receipts – all receipts are vital to have credible and transparent financial report. You may assign someone from your accounting department or team to monitor any financial transactions that your business makes in real-time.

Read articles and magazines related to business – in-depth and broad knowledge in marketing and finance goes a long way. It sets as your cornerstone in learning the best practices for tax preparation.

These might be simple things but failure to do it correctly can put a massive hole on your accounts and reputation.


Worst Case Scenarios if a Country Failed to Competently Manage its Economics and Finance

For an economy to thrive, grow and have continuous development, it needs to have one crucial aspect, which is none other than strong fiscal outlook. This will serve as its foundation in everything it seeks. Putting the nation on sustainable fiscal route generates positive environment for prosperity and opportunity which is then followed by growth.

Ask any economists, strong fiscal foundation creates a positive chain reaction to the nation by having

  • Increased capital
  • More resources to be used for future private and public investments
  • Stronger safety net and;
  • Improved business and consumer confidence

On the other hand, failing to do otherwise will yield to consequences.

Not being able to address long term fiscal challenges weaken economic environment.

This is due to the reason that it compromise confidence, reduces capital access, deteriorate the potentials for growth and the nation as a whole will be at greater risks of facing economic crisis.

Assuming that long term fiscal imbalance won’t be addressed, then expect that future economy will eventually diminish with fewer opportunities among families and individuals and not to mention, less flexibility to react to national problems in the future.

Imminent Consequences of Incompetent National Financial Management

By this time now, you may still not feel the gravity of the situation that this might have caused. So let me shed you some light by discussing a couple ramifications of a growing national debt.

Number 1. Reduced Public Investment

As our federal debt keeps increasing, the government keeps spending more of its budget on cost of interest, which was supposedly be used on funding public investments.

Number 2. Reduced Private Investment

Federal borrowing will compete for funds in capital markets of the nation. Thereby, this raises the interests as well as crowd out new investment in structures and equipment needed by the business. Entrepreneurs that provide services such as payday loans and whatnot are facing higher capital to keep their business afloat.

At one point or the other, investors will start doubting the ability of the government to repay debt and possibly demand higher interests. If such happens, it raises the cost of borrowing for both households and businesses.
