Ask yourself whether you have the knowledge and the time to take care of the bookkeeping, wage generation, and financial statements yourself. If not, you have many options.
An alternative to a tax advisor is of course to hire an accountant or a tax preparer to do the day-to-day bookkeeping. The employee carries out the daily booking, writes the cash register, settles wages and salaries, registers new and departing employees, and is responsible for everything to do with bookkeeping and payroll accounting.
Should You Do Your Taxes Yourself Or Hire a Tax Preparer?
Distribute the tasks and use the tax advisor where it makes sense
It is a good additional agreement with the tax advisor if you can make use of his advisory services for queries you have for the current year. For example, if you want to buy a company car, it will certainly be helpful to talk to your tax advisor. When it comes to pension agreements or new investments with an impact on further business development, an appointment with a tax advisor is not harmful – on the contrary. You can derive these advantages from an arrangement of the sensible division of labor with a tax advisor:
- You have your accounting department on-site to present you with reports daily or weekly. On the basis of these evaluations, you can, for example, create liquidity plans very promptly or carry out control. You keep track, know the flow of money, and can react and act at very short notice. If the tax advisor does the accounting at the end of a month, the figures logically always show the past and the controlling is not as effective.
- Payroll accounting is a relatively complex matter, even if the software available for self-booking wages is equipped for all eventualities. There are always special features that come into play in payroll accounting. Due to the consistently low prices that tax consultants use for the monthly payroll, this can also be done by a professional. Your advantage: The costs are manageable and the result is reliable, timely, and based on the latest legal developments.
- If your tax advisor prepares the annual financial statements, you are protected against errors and the resulting financial consequences through their insurance. If you prepare the annual financial statements yourself and you make a mistake, it will be on your head. You cannot insure yourself against such mistakes. Bear in mind that tax law is changing rapidly and that it is not easy to draw up a good balance sheet. With the division of labor, you benefit in particular from the tax advisor’s know-how when he prepares the financial statements at the end of the year and assumes liability for them.
A proposal for the division of labor would be to have a tax preparation service or a tax advisor prepare the financial statements at the end of the year. This then checks the booking processes of the past year. If necessary, he can make corrections so that you are on the safe side for tax purposes. Depending on the extent to which you commission him, the tax advisor will check options for optimization.