Impeachment Trial Puts a Dent to Trump’s Narcissistic Ego

Time and again, Trump’s overly pompous words and actions have been branded by many psychologists as the typical signs of a person with narcissistic personality disorder. Many agree that Trump is so full of narcissism that the impeachment resolution passed by Congress a few days ago, had dealt a great blow to Trump’s bloated ego.

Trump will go down in America’s history as the third U.S. president to be impeached, after Andrew Jackson and Bill Clinton. Although Richard Nizon nearly made the claim to being the second U.S. president to be impeached, Nixon resigned from office before Congress reached a formal decision to impeach him.

It is expected that Trump’s Republican minions at the Senate will act quickly to save him from being removed from office. Yet it does not take away the damaging effect of impeachment on Trump’s self-absorbed world. After all, he views himself as the greatest person to have ever walked the Earth.

Impeachment Puts a Dent to Trump’s Pompous and Boastful Behavior

Now that the impeachment inquiry launched by the House of Representatives has advanced to become an impeachment trial, Trump’s narcissistic ego is finding it hard to process how he will be able to proclaim himself as the greatest U.S. leader. In fact he even implied in a statement to then visiting French president Emmanuel Macron that he (Trump), is smarter than George Washington.

It probably troubles his mind that he will find it more difficult to convince the world leaders and diplomats who attended the 2018 UN General Assembly that they had no reason to laugh at him for stating that his administration accomplished more than any of his predecessors ever had.

To Trump, impeachment is already an ugly word, even uglier now that he is branded as the 3rd U.S. president to have been impeached. Even if he continues to perform duties as the nation’s chief executive, he knows for sure that other world leaders will continue to regard him as a laughing stock, the way they did during the recent G7 Summit in England. .

Signs that Impeachment has Greatly Affected Trump’s State of Mind

As cognitive experts believe that Trump’s narcissism is bound to get worse during his presidency, the impact of the impeachment trial on Trump’s narcissism has begun to surface.

Only recently in a campaign rally held in Michigan, Trump made vicious remarks against Michigan Democratic Congresswoman Debbie Dingell and her demised husband House Representative John Dingell. Trump’s rhetoric implied that the deceased Michigan Congressman who passed away in February of this year, is not in heaven but in hell. That is notwithstanding the fact that the deceased Representative John Dingell is highly revered in the state for being the longest-serving Congressman in the history of U.S. politics.

Trump once again manifested a behavior, which in his narcissistic world does not recognize Constitutional laws or moral values. Even his close political ally Senator Lyndsey Graham found Trump’s remarks to put down a highly distinguished statesman, as irreverent and distasteful. Senator Graham wants Trump to publicly apologize to Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, a demand directed toward a narcissistic person who hears only praises about himself.
